Charlestown Sanitation Department
Annual Charlestown Sanitation Dept. Spring Cleanup Week set for April 5th - 9th, 2021
The City of Charlestown's Sanitation Department will be conducting their annual Spring Clean-Up/Pick-Up during the week of April 5th through the 9th as an additional service to help customers as they begin spring cleaning in their garages, yards, and around the home. Sanitation Customers are invited to place items on the curb for removal on the day of their normally scheduled trash pick-up during that week.
Items for pick-up must be properly placed in bags and positioned at the curb clear of tree limbs, guide wires, mailboxes fences. etc.
Limbs must be cut into lengths no greater than seven (7’) feet and placed in a separate pile from the junk, trash and debris.
Please do not over-stuff your garbage receptacles.
The regular pick-up of your trash will be a separate pick-up from your spring cleanup items. Separate vehicles for pick-ups will be utilized.
Sanitation Department Staff
Jason Dunn, Sanitation Director
Carrie Prince, Sanitation Administrator
Dusty Standiford, Sanitation Crew
Brad Goodwin, Sanitation Crew
Garrett Pavey, Sanitation Crew
Clerk-Treasurer's Office, Utility Billing Staff
Dorothea Gomez, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer
Robin Hebner, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer
Sanitation Requests, Questions or Concerns:
812-256-3422, Option 1, then Option 4
Clerk-Treasurer's Office, Utility Billing:
Clerk-Treasurer's Office: 812-256-2424
812-256-3422, Option 1, then Option 3
To request new residential sanitation service or to purchase an additional trash can, please contact the Utility Billing office by phone or email.
City of Charlestown Sanitation Holiday Schedule 2021
Please note that on the following holidays, sanitation trucks will not run their regular routes - therefore all routes will
run one day behind during a holiday week. For example, if a holiday falls on Monday then the routes will run as follows:
• Monday’s route will run on Tuesday
• Tuesday’s route will run on Wednesday
• Wednesday’s route will run on Thursday
• Thursday’s route will run on Friday
Observed Holidays:
• New Year’s Day
• Martin Luther King’s Birthday
• President’s Day
• Good Friday
• Memorial Day
• Independence Day
• Labor Day
• Columbus Day
• Election Day
• Veterans Day
• Thanksgiving Day
• Day after Thanksgiving
• Christmas Eve Day
• Christmas Day