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Mayor Hodges Memo to City Council Re: Calling of Special Meeting for Revised Budget Presentation

Writer's picture: City of CharlestownCity of Charlestown

Re: Calling of Special Meeting for Revised Budget Presentation

Dear Council Members,

Attached please find a notice of a called special meeting of the Common Council for Monday, September 21, 2020 at 6:00 PM. During this meeting I will present a revised 2021 budget proposal.

Following the previous meeting, I have reviewed your feedback on the budget, and you'll note the following changes:

1. In the Parks Department I have reduced the "Parks Promotion" line item by $2,000 and created a new line item for "District Promotions." This fund allows for designated outreach and engagement in each of the four municipal districts.

2. In the Parks Department I have reduced the "Summer Entertainment" line item by $5,000 and created a new line item for "Athletic Engagement Activities." This fund is set aside for sports related engagement opportunities.

3. Though unrelated to the feedback provided at the meeting, please note an additional change was required. Charlestown's portion of expenses for the 911 Dispatch will increase by approximately $11,000 next year. To cover this cost the PERF payment for our school resource officer was placed back into the Police Department budget and the extra money needed to cover the cost was moved from "Council Miscellaneous" where I had originally placed the additional $42,000 identified following the meeting with the DLGF. This accounts for the $9,720 reduction of that line item.

4. At the request of the Chief of Police the line item for "Investigations" in the police budget was reduced by $1,000 and that amount was moved to line item "Evidence Supplies" (renamed from "computer upgrades".)

This reflects all of the changes made from the previous version presented for a vote.

On Wednesday of this week the Parks Director and I are holding interviews for the Assistant Parks Director position. We had a rich pool of applicants and have identified the top three for interviews. Each of these candidates brings experience in coaching athletic activities and/or previous parks and recreation experience. I'm confident that our long-tern sports related event plans will be possible with such an addition to our team. I will notify you all once a staffing decision has been made and an offer is accepted.

Please let me know if you have any questions or would like additional information about the items presented in this letter.


Dr. Treva E. Hodges, Mayor

City of Charlestown, Indiana

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